I am John Gleaves, the current co-director of the International Network of Humanistic Doping Research and an assistant professor of kinesiology at the California State University Fullerton. My research focuses primarily on the ethics of doping and performance enhancement in sport. Please explore here for more about my past publications. My future research aims to explore the ongoing philosophical issues related to sport, science and culture. These issues range from doping, gender testing and the medicalization of sport to the history of amateurism. I am currently working on a projects related to the ethics of anti-doping regulations, a global history of doping, and the history of amateurism at the Olympic Games. By combining rigorous scholarship from multiple disciplines, I hope to make sense of the often ambiguous and highly-loaded debate social, political and cultural issues in sport.
I also teach graduate and undergraduate courses on socio-cultural aspects of sport. In these courses, I attempt to combine “old school” critical thinking skills with a variety of technologies and mediums. The hope is to provide meaningful and relevant educational experiences students can carry with them beyond the classroom. Much of this is inspired by Prof. John Boyer from Virgina Tech, who has a great website on education and technology.
On a personal level, I am a father and a husband. I am also an avid cyclist including road, mountain, track, and cyclocross (bonus points if you know what the last two are). I also ski (alpine) and play football (soccer), and am slowly becoming a fan of Liverpool F.C. (thanks to Matthew Llewellyn).
In the meantime, thanks for reading, please check out my blog, and enjoy thinking critically about sport.